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The sand making machine of the Vietnamese customer has been shipped發布日期:2020-08-05

The vertical sand making machine is a vertical plate sand production line of special equipment for crushing sand making.


As one of the main products of Guote equipment, both stand-alone equipment and supporting production equipment, its hot sales and popular volume rank in the top few.


At the same time, it is also the top three in the production volume of Guote equipment. The vertical sand making machine of Guote equipment is equipped with a pulse bag filter, which can prevent dust from spilling during the production process.


It can also collect fine powder, which protects the environment to a certain extent, maintains the health of employees and can meet environmental protection standards.

The vertical sand making machine of Guote Equipment is not only used for the production of 4-120 mesh quartz sand and plate sand, but also used in many other industries.


It is widely used, and it also has the advantages of large output, high purity, no pollution, high quality and low price.


The vertical sand making machine of Guote equipment can be customized according to the customer's materials and output, and the inner wall is pasted with silica, corundum and other liners.


It can prevent the pollution of quartz sand, its sand making efficiency is higher and the purity of the material is guaranteed.


The vertical sand making machines of Guote equipment are not only spread all over the country, and foreign customers have a great demand for purchase. This time, foreign customers purchase the vertical sand making machines of Guote equipment.


This is an affirmation of the vertical sand making machine of Guote Equipment. Thank you for your support and welcome more customers to purchase!


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